Voyager en sécurité pendant la grossesse

Traveling Safely During Pregnancy

Preparation before travel

Prior consultation with your healthcare provider is essential before your trip. It is also necessary to compile a complete medical file. Vaccinations specific to your destination must be checked and travel insurance covering emergency medical care and medical repatriation must be taken out. To limit the risks, it is recommended to avoid long-haul flights, especially during the last trimester of pregnancy.

Travel recommendations

While traveling, it is important to wear comfortable clothes and stay hydrated. You should also book a comfortable seat and inform the airline staff about your pregnancy. It is best to avoid strenuous activities and maintain a balanced diet. If you experience any unusual symptoms, consult a doctor promptly.

Problem Management

If you have any health concerns, it is important to contact a local healthcare professional or go to hospital immediately. Your travel insurer can also provide you with information on local healthcare providers. It is recommended that you stay in regular contact with your home healthcare provider to keep them informed of your health.

Ensuring a safe pregnancy journey

Allow yourself time to rest if necessary. It is also recommended to seek out maternity wards or healthcare professionals at your destination, in case you need specialist care. Your well-being and that of your baby should always be your top priority.

Traveling while pregnant can be a wonderful experience, but it's essential to take precautions to keep you and your baby safe. With careful planning, a healthy diet, and paying close attention to your well-being, you can enjoy your trip to the fullest.

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